5 mal gemerkt
Gebot auf Auktion
Inserats-ID: 4406053
Inseratstyp: Auktionspferd
Einstelldatum: 24.03.2025
Inseratsaufrufe: 279
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https://youhorse.auction/veiling/Miss-DS-Brantzau-VDL-x-Quasimodo-vd-Molendreef-4281 Eight-year-old Miss DS has gained international experience at 1.30m level and excels in terms of attitude and blood. She almost eats the obstacles and loves the game. She is careful and develops power. Her seven-year-old half-sister Neenee by Jaja is internationally 1.35m classified with Iris Michels. Sire Brantzau VDL is the 1.40m jumping son of Baloubet du Rouet, the Grand Prix great who not only earned his spurs in the sport, but is also influential in breeding. Dam Jaja descends from the 1.60m Grand Prix stallion Quasimodo van de Molendreef and is thus a half-sister of the top horse Hello Sanctos with Scott Brash. Grandmother Volady K (Calido I x Indoctro) produced Fabienne (1.60m Grand Prix with Harriet Biddick), Ibiza (1.50m jumping with Linus Hanselmann) and three 1.30m show jumpers.
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https://youhorse.auction/veiling/Miss-DS-Brantzau-VDL-x-Quasimodo-vd-Molendreef-4281 Miss DS, otto anni, ha acquisito esperienza internazionale a livello di 1,30 m ed eccelle in termini di atteggiamento e sangue. Quasi mangia gli ostacoli e ama il gioco. È attenta e sviluppa la portata. La sorellastra Neenee by Jaja, di sette anni, è classificata a livello internazionale a 1,35 m con Iris Michels. Il sire Brantzau VDL è il figlio saltatore di 1,40 m di Baloubet du Rouet, il grande del Gran Premio che non solo si è guadagnato gli speroni in questo sport, ma è anche molto influente nell'allevamento. La madre Jaja discende dallo stallone da Gran Premio di 1,60 m Quasimodo van de Molendreef ed è quindi una sorellastra del cavallo di punta Hello Sanctos con Scott Brash. La nonna Volady K (Calido I x Indoctro) ha prodotto Fabienne (1,60 m di Gran Premio con Harriet Biddick), Ibiza (1,50 m di salto con Linus Hanselmann) e tre saltatori ad ostacoli da 1,30 m.
https://youhorse.auction/veiling/Miss-DS-Brantzau-VDL-x-Quasimodo-vd-Molendreef-4281 De achtjarige Miss DS heeft internationale ervaring opgedaan op 1.30m hoogte en blinkt uit qua instelling en bloed. Ze eet de hindernissen bijna op en vind het spelletje geweldig. Ze is voorzichtig en ontwikkelt vermogen. Haar zevenjarige halfzus Neenee van Jaja is internationaal 1.35m geklasseerd met Iris Michels. Vader Brantzau VDL is de 1.40m-springende zoon van Baloubet du Rouet, de Grand Prix grootheid die niet alleen zijn sporen verdiende in de sport, maar ook in de fokkerij van grote invloed is. Moeder Jaja stamt af van de 1.60m Grand Prix hengst Quasimodo van de Molendreef en is daarmee een halfzus van het toppaard Hello Sanctos met Scott Brash. Grootmoeder Volady K (Calido I x Indoctro) bracht Fabienne (1.60m Grand Prix met Harriet Biddick), Ibiza (1.50m springen met Linus Hanselmann) en drie 1.30m springpaarden.

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