Tennessee Walking Horse Wallach 6 Jahre 152 cm Rotbrauner in Parkers Lake, KY
1 Video

Tennessee Walking Horse Gaited Trail Gelding

Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Inserats-ID: 4203267
Einstelldatum: 05.09.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 323
Inserat gemerkt: 1
Preis auf Anfrage
Rogersville MO65742 USA
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Weitere Informationen

Das Tennesse Walking Horse ist eine Gangpferderasse, die in den USA gezüchtet wird. Die Tennessee Walking Horses stammen von dem Hengst 'Black Allan' ab, der vor ungefähr hundert Jahren lebte. Die Plantagenbesitzer wünschten sich damals ein bequemes Pferd, womit sie ihren Besitz leicht abreiten konn ... Mehr zur Pferderasse Tennessee Walking Horse
6 Jahre
152 cm
ist angeritten
ist longiert
ist am Boden gearbeitet
ist geländesicher
ist verladefromm
ist Viergänger
AKU vorhanden


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OPEN BIDDING ON THEHORSEBAY,COM. SALE ENDS ON 09/17 @ 3:40PM CT. More information is available on the website, including an UTD vet inspection, Coggins, video, images, and the owner's contact information to ask questions, request information, or make arrangements to come to visit.

If you want your horse to look just as good as the person looking at you in the mirror… meet Bruno! He is a beautiful Blood Bay, Tennessee Walking Horse gelding standing a very stocky 15hh and six years old. Bruno is an excellent trail horse with many miles of experience! He has been camping/riding in Kentucky and surrounding states at the local campground and has also been to fun shows. He has the looks with that big, long mane. He is a true dream! He loads, hauls, and high-lines great. When it comes to gait… Bruno is a Cadillac! Anyone will love the way he moves; he is smooth for any rider! Bruno handles anything that comes at him on the trails, deadfall, creeks, rivers, steep grades, slick rocky surfaces… he can safely get across it all. He has been exposed to all kinds of wildlife, such as deer or turkey, or other animals like cows or dogs, and will go anywhere he is asked to. Bruno has been ridden in traffic and is very traffic-safe around cars, semis, logs, and dump trucks. If you’re looking for that 10/10 smooth ride that looks good doing it… Bruno is the one for you!


Rogersville MO65742
Homepage: thehorsebay

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