0 mal gemerkt
Gaited Trail Driving Jumping Crossbred Mare
Preis auf Anfrage
Inserats-ID: 4394259
Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Einstelldatum: 13.03.2025
Inseratsaufrufe: 96
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OPEN BIDDING ON THEHORSEBAY,COM. SALE ENDS ON 03/26. More information is available on the website, including an UTD vet inspection, Coggins, video, images, and the owner's contact information to ask questions, request information, or make arrangements to come to visit. When I think of a gentle Giant, I think of Bessy. She’s the kindest, most gentle, and loving horse I have ever owned. Bessy is a 7-year-old bay-gaited crossbred mare that stands 16 hands tall and has as much mane as you could ever ask for! She is gentle and easy to be around, loves being groomed, stands for mounting/dismounting and saddling/unsaddling, and loves treats and being loved on and spoiled! Bessy has been trail-ridden extensively throughout downtown Park City, Kentucky, road-ridden, & at home! If you’re looking for a sure-footed, big, stout mare that will take care of you wherever you put her or whoever you put on her, Bessy is your gal. Bessy loves kids and will do anything to take care of them. She will let them climb on her with mounting steps and never move a muscle. Bessy is located in Cave City, Kentucky, and is ready to meet you. Make an appointment to visit her. She would love to see you. Mandy is clean and quiet in the stall and gets along well with other horses in the pasture. She stands tied patiently and loads and hauls wonderfully as well. This girl is truly one of a kind. She has many great characteristics, from her color and size to her gait to her mindset and sweet nature. Take the time to watch our full YouTube video to see for yourself what kind of mule she is! Feel free to call with any questions or to schedule a visit to see Mandy. Shipping can be arranged as well.

Homepage: thehorsebay
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