Islandpferd Hengst 1 Jahr 143 cm Red Dun in Skanderborg
1 Video

Young stallion - mother 8.42 ridden abilities

Inseratstyp: Verkaufspferd
Inserats-ID: 4165413
Einstelldatum: 07.08.2024
Inseratsaufrufe: 1267
Inserat gemerkt: 3
7.100 €
7.100 €
8660 Skanderborg
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Weitere Informationen

Die 1000jährige Reinzucht und die harten Lebensbedingungen auf Island haben ein Pferd hervorgebracht, das auch vom Charakter her ganz besonders ist: Islandpferde lebten in Island immer halbwild in großen Herdenverbänden. So entwickelten sich selbstbewußte Tiere mit intaktem Sozialverhalten, die von ... Mehr zur Pferderasse Islandpferd
1 Jahr
143 cm
Red Dun
ist Fünfgänger


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  • Deutsch
Looking for an absolutely high-quality young stallion with extraordinary pedigree?

Amazing Garpur from Moorland Village (DK2023100178) is looking for new pastures. Garpur is the most beautiful and harmonious young stallion. Born on 23.05.2023 and shows all 5-gait with light and nice movements. From birth already a big boy that truly rests in himself (hence the name). His mindset shows calmness, thoughtfulness and overview at the same time being very playful. Garpur is kind and social just as he came into this world with an excellent temper.

Garpur is after the stallion Gjafar from Hvoli (8.47 total with 8.64 for rid). Gjafar is after Þokki from Kyrholti (8.73 total) and Gnott from Vidiðal (8.26 total). Garpur's mother is Syn from Kviarholi (8.27 total with 8.42 for RID). Syn is after Arðud from Brautarholti (8.49 total) and Storð from Studlum (8.12 total). Such is the tribe of Syn’s mother also based on the amazing Þerna from Arnarholi.

Garpur is ideal for the passionate rider who are looking for a stallion with absolute potential to get a high breeding evaluation and a fantastic competition horse for the future to come.

Video of his father: https://youtu.be/sXJzyh7dQwI

Video of his mother: https://youtu.be/sRuYJpp1egg
Looking for an absolutely high-quality young stallion with extraordinary pedigree?

Amazing Garpur from Moorland Village (DK2023100178) is looking for new pastures. Garpur is the most beautiful and harmonious foal. Born on 23.05.2023 and shows all 5-gait with light and nice movements. From birth already a big boy that truly rests in himself (hence the name). His mindset shows calmness, thoughtfulness and overview at the same time being very playful. Garpur is kind and social just as he came into this world with an excellent temper.

Garpur is after the stallion Gjafar from Hvoli (8.47 total with 8.64 for rid). Gjafar is after Þokki from Kyrholti (8.73 total) and Gnott from Vidiðal (8.26 total). Garpur's mother is Syn from Kviarholi (8.27 total with 8.42 for RID). Syn is after Arðud from Brautarholti (8.49 total) and Storð from Studlum (8.12 total). Such is the tribe of Syn’s mother also based on the amazing Þerna from Arnarholi.

Garpur is ideal for the passionate rider who are looking for a stallion with absolute potential to get a high breeding evaluation and a fantastic competition horse for the future to come.

Video of his father: https://youtu.be/sXJzyh7dQwI

Video of his mother: https://youtu.be/sRuYJpp1egg
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Siete alla ricerca di un giovane stallone di assoluta qualità con un pedigree straordinario?

Lo straordinario Garpur di Moorland Village (DK2023100178) è in cerca di nuovi pascoli. Garpur è il più bello e armonioso dei giovani stalloni. È nato il 23.05.2023 e mostra tutti i suoi 5 anni di età con movimenti leggeri e piacevoli. Dalla nascita è già un ragazzone che riposa veramente in se stesso (da qui il nome). La sua mentalità mostra calma, riflessività e visione d'insieme, ma allo stesso tempo è molto giocoso. Garpur è gentile e socievole proprio come è venuto al mondo con un temperamento eccellente.

Garpur viene dopo lo stallone Gjafar di Hvoli (8,47 totale con 8,64 per la monta). Gjafar viene dopo Þokki di Kyrholti (8,73 totale) e Gnott di Vidiðal (8,26 totale). La madre di Garpur è Syn di Kviarholi (8,27 totale con 8,42 per il RID). Syn viene dopo Arðud di Brautarholti (8,49 totali) e Storð di Studlum (8,12 totali). Tale è la tribù della madre di Syn, basata anche sulla sorprendente Þerna di Arnarholi.

Garpur è ideale per i cavalieri appassionati che cercano uno stallone con un potenziale assoluto per ottenere un'alta valutazione di riproduzione e un fantastico cavallo da competizione per il futuro a venire.

Video del padre: https://youtu.be/sXJzyh7dQwI

Video della madre: https://youtu.be/sRuYJpp1egg




8660 Skanderborg


8660 Skanderborg

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