American Standardbred Wallach 4 Jahre 153 cm Brauner in Nørager

0 mal gemerkt

Sweet and talented speed racking gelding

15.000 €
15.000 €
9620 Aalestrup
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Weitere Informationen

Das American Standardbred oder auch der Amerikanische Traber ist das am häufigsten verwendete Pferd in Trabrennen und in Passrennen, mit dem Ursprung in der USA. Der Name "Standardbred" kommt zustande, weil nur die Tiere in die Zucht gelangen, die den Geschwindigkeitsstandards im Renntrab oder Rennp ... Mehr zur Pferderasse American Standardbred
4 Jahre
153 cm
Rheinisches Pferdestammbuch e.V.

ist longiert

ist am Boden gearbeitet

ist Fünfgänger


Equidenpass vorhanden


  • Englisch
  • Italienisch
  • Polnisch
  • Niederländisch
  • Spanisch
  • Französisch
  • Deutsch
Buffalo is a sweet and friendly youngster who loves to work with his human(s). He is more high energy than I’m used to (I’m used to draft horses, Icelandics and Fjordhorses) and I’ve come to realize that my depression is making it too difficult for me to cope with job, barn chores and training a young horse, and so I want to find him a home that is a better match for him.

Breed: Speed Racking Horse (gaits walk, rack, trot, canter and pace)
Dam: She’s a 4 Speed
Sire: Drummerboys Ringo Star (CPS RIngo Star) https://www.vogelstockerhof.com/pittypat-speed-racking-stallion
He is registered RHBAA and eligible for SHOBA registration too.

He is a coming 4 year old (born April 2021) gelding.
153cm tall (January 2025), but still growing.

Buffalo is used to standing tied for grooming in the stable, where there can be other horses, children, dogs and all kinds of normal stable activity. He does not get nervous if another horse leaves while he is standing at the grooming pole, even if he is the only horse left.

He is used to being taken out of the pasture alone and also being left alone on the pasture (though there are still horses on surrounding pastures). He will always come to the gate and put his head into the halter.

He is getting good at walk, trot and canter on the lunge by voice commands. He will gait at liberty, but I haven’t been able to train it yet. He has had a saddle on a few times without an issue, and with the help of a good friend I’m working towards starting him this summer/autumn.

He is good with the farrier, though he can be a little impatient when you're holding his feet for a long time, but is never stupid.

He is used to going on walks around the town and in the countryside, usually with a buddy, but sometimes with a big group or even alone. He does fine with either. He is used to traffic and does not care when cars pass on the road.

I do not own a horse trailer, so I haven’t had the opportunity to train trailer loading much, but he has been in a trailer 2 times so far and I will continue to work on it.

More info on his parents can be found at https://www.vogelstockerhof.com 
Julia and Mario, who bred Buffalo, are very knowledgeable about the breed and very helpful with information and good advice.

The most important thing is that Buffalo finds a great home.
Contact by ehorses message or whatsapp preferable.
Buffalo is a sweet and friendly youngster who loves to work with his human(s). He is more high energy than I’m used to (I’m used to draft horses, Icelandics and Fjordhorses) and I’ve come to realize that my depression is making it too difficult for me to cope with job, barn chores and training a young horse, and so I want to find him a home that is a better match for him.

Breed: Speed Racking Horse
Dam: She’s a 4 Speed
Sire: https://www.vogelstockerhof.com/pittypat-speed-racking-stallion
Buffalo is registered RHBAA and eligible for SHOBA registration too.
Gaits: Walk, rack, trot, canter and pace. Both his parents are exceptionally talented gaited horses.

He is a coming 4 year old (born April 2021) gelding.

153cm tall (January 2025), but still growing.

Buffalo is used to standing tied for grooming in the stable, where there can be other horses, children, dogs and all kinds of normal stable activity. He does not get nervous if another horse leaves while he is standing at the grooming pole, even if he is the only horse left.

He is used to being taken out of the pasture alone and also being left alone on the pasture (though there are still horses on surrounding pastures). He will always come to the gate and put his head into the halter.

He is getting good at walk, trot and canter on the lunge by voice commands. He will gait at liberty, but I haven’t been able to train it yet. He has had a saddle on a few times without an issue, and with the help of a good friend I’m working towards starting him this summer/autumn.

He is good with the farrier, though he can be a little impatient when you are holding his feet for a long time, but is never stupid.

He is used to going on walks around the town and in the countryside, usually with a buddy, but sometimes with a big group or even alone. He does fine with either. He is used to traffic and does not care when cars pass on the road.

I do not own a horse trailer, so I haven’t had the opportunity to train trailer loading much, but he has been in a trailer 2 times so far and I will continue to work on it.

More info on his parents can be found at https://www.vogelstockerhof.com 
Julia and Mario, who bred Buffalo, are very knowledgeable about the breed and very helpful with information and good advice.

The most important thing is that Buffalo finds a great, loving home.
Contact (preferably whatsapp) +4522838999
Email: jovenofoto@hotmail.com


CPS Ringo Star
Skyline DaleTopless Dame
She's A Four Speed
SpeedGabreille Rose


9610 Nørager

9620 Aalestrup

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